Screening and Shelter

Trellis with climbing plants provide privacy and shelter for diners

Trees are beautiful and effective screens in a larger garden

Before – a small garden with a bleak view and no privacy

A mature pleached Hornbeam screen

After – pleached trees provide seclusion without loss of garden space

A bespoke contemporary pergola provides screening and shade without the need for plants

With gardens getting smaller we often live in close proximity to one another and with larger gardens there can be issues with exposure to wind and cold. In both these cases screening and shelter will greatly enhance your enjoyment and use of the garden. We have provided many creative solutions to these issues over the last 25 years that we have been creating beautiful gardens.

These may involve hedging or trees or where space is more limited perhaps pleached trees (these are trees planted in a row and trained to form a very narrow canopy). To create secluded areas within a garden, shrub planting or trellis screens may be more appropriate. An arbour, pergola or gazebo can also provide a lovely garden refuge as well as a beautiful feature in itself. If we are re-designing your whole garden we can alter the orientation of the design so that your outlook is directed away from the undesirable view.

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